Pamięć placenty, praca w polu narodzin - od września

Zapraszam na moje najbliższe warsztaty:
do Grecji 30 września - 9 października...
Placenta Memory: Remember Spirituality and Abundance in your Life
A dive into the healing power of the birthing field
- Creating a new set of memories in the human system
oraz do UK 17- 19 września
"The intention of working in the field of birth for me is to refer to the laws of nature guided by the healing power of love." Auli
Have you ever wondered why you get stuck at times, lack energy, direction, motivation, self-sabotage your success when you this close to breaking through... maybe there is nothing wrong with you, maybe what slows you down are deeply intervowen blockages manifesting in your day-to-day failings, over-reacting, feeling depressed or anxious, not feeling truly yourself and that might be the reason why you are not yet realising your true potential...

Najbliższy cykl w Polsce w Czereśniowym Polu będzie 24-25 września,( 15-16 pażdziernika, 10-13 listopada).


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